Thursday, April 15, 2010

Don't Stop at Two

Kapitan Ho can never imagine life without kids and yet many Chinese couples find themselves deciding not to have children. Our birth rate keeps going down every year and Chinese parents blame it on the economic crisis. But, they never know birth rate has been falling in good years as well. It is not smart to blame this situation on the modern lifestyle while the birth rate is also falling in other developed countries. Today, it is reported that there is only 25% ethnic Chinese in Malaysia and the number continues to reduce. In order to arrest the community’s dwindling birth rate, Kapitan Ho thinks the Chinese need more babies!

I find it a flaw to their nature when our kids are not blessed with cousins. We should know that love between kids and parents, couples, siblings and cousins as well are all essentials to ones upbringing! Many people defer having kids because they think they have lack of time to care after them when both are working. My heart nearly broken when some Chinese feel bad for taking care of their kids and thinking of having children they will end up being unproductive where there’s no way you will be able to get as much done.

Yes, raising kids is hard but it's worth it.

Kapitan Ho is truly awed by Chinese people those days (who are mostly granparents now) who have 10 children (or more) and were both great parents, industrious estate workers, and at the same time managed to maintain a healthy level of sanity. Kudos Grandpa and Grandma! Having kids is much more than money. Yes, money is important but it should not be given more emphasis than it deserves. Do you love kids in the first place? Would you be willing to sacrifice time etc to care and love for them and bring them up properly? Once i was being told by a mother of 5 children where having kids is more to 天生天養 (Heaven Born and Heaven Raised). God takes care of things naturally as He has for thousands.

The Chinese have significantly helped shape the country's economy growth, yet their hardworkingness and efficiency has long been forgotten by the government. For this, those who are affluent and affordable chose to immigrate to the west. This caused another drop for our population. For Kapitan Ho it is very selfish to leave like that. Ideally, the ones who can economically afford to immigrate should stay and have more children because they have the economic means to ensure their children to have the best provisions in life!

It's about Quantity now, when we have Quality!

Two to three children is too few for a family but five would be enough. In fact there should not be any limit on having more kids. "Having kids" is a natural right. and there's no such thing as having "too many kids". So fellow Chinese, please have five or more if you can afford it. Don't stop at two! Remember sisters, having lots of kids is never an abuse of your reproductive rights!


Sifu Melayu said...

Chinese have lesser children now becoz sume dah modern dah.
tgok kat amerika tu, sumenye famili 1-2 anak je..jarang dapat 5 ke 6 cam kte ni..

Melissa Roman said...

i think its awesome that you believe people in china should have more children. from what i have seen, the chinese are high quality people and i think the two children policy has alot to do with it. you wouldnt be spoiled if ur parents had more children...

寶島の乙女 said...


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