Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's Not That I Like to Drink, You Know..

Dear Kapitan Ho:

Have you ever gotten drunk alone?

Rojak B

Dear Rojak B:

In one more year I am going to succeed, for the whole world to see..but what's the point showing off when she is no longer here with me? She is beautiful, intelligent, genuine and caring. I've never experienced such chemistry. I find it hard to shift the thought that we could be so intimate. It was too great to be true!

Every girl dreams about the perfect relationship, even at the age of 5 ever since kindergarden. She is one of the many Chinese girl who goes for out caste date. I'm not sure if I should try to be an asshole to girls, but what I've seen that many girls love to get treated like ****. After some moment of seducing and poetic flowery words, she get impatient and try to bribe or tease with sex until she get a wake up call and finally gone for a man without family name, culture and education.

Kapitan Ho believes that there is a hierarchy of culture and that this hierarchy is dependent upon the world and life views prevalent in that culture. Depends on how much value you put on the culture that is no longer honored or remembered. If you value it then the loss of it is something to be of concerned. Race mixing is not beautiful, it is racial, cultural and social genocide. To deny the hierarchy of culture or to think it is unfortunate that people from inferior cultures should embrace superior ones is rather unfortunate.

Let alone some people. As the years go passing by and I grown up. Thinking of you really hurt me deep inside. As one of my favorite Eri Chiemi tune “Sakaba Nite” goes:

“It's not that I like to drink, you know..
It's just that I am afraid of going home alone again.”

Kapitan Ho listen to a lot of Enka and I can sum up my entire life in Enka songs. That may actually turn out to be a post. And you are still with him living on the Malay term "kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang".


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