Sunday, May 9, 2010

Oh, Mom I'm in Tokyo


久しぶりに 手をひいて
親子で歩ける うれしさに
小さい頃が 浮かんできますよ
おっ母さん ここがここが二重橋
記念の写真を とりましょうね

やさしかった 兄さんが
田舎の話を 聞きたいと
桜の下で さぞかし待つだろ
おっ母さん あれがあれが九段坂
逢ったら泣くでしょ 兄さんも

さあさ着いた 着きました
達者で永生き するように
お参りしましょよ 観音様です
おっ母さん ここがここが浅草よ
お祭りみたいに にぎやかね

Japanese is a nation with high national consciousness (民族意識). The lyrics are made up of 3 verses. 1st, after Japan suffered a defeat in WWII, they feel no discouragement, instead, through Niju Bashi (二重橋) which represents patriotism they manifest their love to the motherland and solidarity in spite of being defeated. Next, they profusely express deep grief by bereaved mother paying her visit to her son in Yasukuni Jinja (靖国神社), a resting place for the dead soldiers. Last, filial piety is highly valued with the scene of daughter bringing her mom to the temple of Bodhisattva (観音様) to pray for her longivity. This accounts how precious filial piety stands in their society.

Click here to listen


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